Activision have released patch 1.06 for Call of Duty: WWII on Xbox One and Playstation 4. This new patch bans players who exploit the prestige glitch in HQ, includes a new multiplayer menu UI, fixes crash issues and improvements to the servers.
You can view the full patch notes down below…
- XB1 and PS4 crash fixes
- Server/connectivity improvements
- Fixed an issue preventing users from entering local play match if booting game without internet connection
- Fixed an issue of players being kicked to ghost lobby then start screen with “Lost connection to host” message after Public matches
- Fixed an issue of showing black screen when host leaves match
- Fixed an issue where players who are not the host see black and screen and no AAR between matches
- General Leaderboard fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue of 2XP not being granted when indicated, sometimes granted 3XP
- Fixed HQ progression exploits
- Fixed an issue preventing Scorestreak Training from functioning due to Custom Match settings applied prior
- Fixed an issue user from backing out into HQ if user accepts an invite to a lobby while in Scorestreak Training
- Fixed map exploits on Pointe du Hoc, USS Texas, London Docks, and Flak Tower
- Fixed an issue allowing “snaking” exploits
- Fixed one-way smoke screen issue
- Paratroopers in HC modes now have HC health, not normal health
- Fixed the issue of granting free Flamethrower with partial fuel if another Flamethrower is equipped already
- Fixed S&D issue where players are stuck when planting the Bomb after tossing a Molotov
- Fixed an issue when party leader changes game mode, members are taken to a ghost lobby
- Fixed an issue where when party leader leaves lobby before user loads out of match, users enter a ghost lobby
- Fixed an issue where if party leader leaves in middle of match without bringing the rest of the party, shows that party leader is still there
- General party improvements, including crash fixes, connectivity fixes, and access to HQ after a match
- Fixed firing range issue causing continuous emoting
- Fixed not allowing players who have Prestiged to accept, complete, or turn in Orders and Contracts
- Fixed an issue not rewarding completed Mastery Challenges
- Fixed an issue not tracking Division Skill Challenge progression in War Mode matches
- Fixed Weekly Order issue not registering Hill Taker win
- Fixed Daily Order Breathing Fire issue not tracking progress
- Fixed an issue not properly tracking Panzerschreck Challenge, preventing players from receiving snow camo unlock
- Fixed Zombies issue preventing players from earning supply drops
- Various MP and Zombies splitscreen improvements
- Cinematics resolution fixes on enhanced consoles
- Fixed an issue pushing update to stats before AAR has been displayed (no more lost/unviewed stats)
- Fixed an issue showing incorrect leaderboard data
- Fixed an issue where changing character’s face and equipping Division uniform displays previous character face and kicks player out of the menu
- Fixed an issue causing Headquarters death, weapon, and division stats to be logged in the Combat Record
- Various UI improvements (Includes Order/Challenge completion instructions)
MP WEAPON TUNING UPDATES: - BAR nerfed to add more recoil
- Reticle unlock fix for STG-44 reflex sight
- Custom reticle fixes for scopes of Kar98K and Lee Enfield
- Primed Basic Training nerf
- Fixed delayed start of GameBattles matches
- Increased GameBattles Hardpoint time limit from 5 min to 10 min
- Other general GameBattles improvements
- Fixed Campaign issue causing user to lose progression and re-lock missions when selecting New Game in the menu
In this article:Activision, Call of Duty: WWII, Playstation 4, PS4, Xbox One