In a recent interview with MCV, World of Warcraft Lead Designer Tom Chilton was asked if he expects the game to have a surge of growth from subscribers after their new expansion Warlords of Draynor is released.
Below is what Chilton had to say…
“We really don’t know if it will grow again. It is possible, but I wouldn’t say it’s something that we expect. Our goal is to make the most compelling content we can. By building expansions, you are effectively building up barriers to people coming back,but by including the level 90 character with this expansion, it gives people the opportunity to jump right into the new content.”
After the release of their last expansion Mists of Pandaria in 2012, the game resurged to over 10 million subscribers. Blizzard announced this month that their number of subscribers are currently around 6.8 million. They also revealed during a shareholders meeting that 800,000 subscribers left last quarter alone.